manual therapy

INF applies manual bodywork through an integrated lens, a synthesis of state of the art methods.

Our approach works deep into connective tissues and myo-fascial relationships with a heavy emphasis on local, regional, and global relationships throughout the body.

Years of comprehensive experience have custom tailored our bodywork methods. Through studying and implementing the most advanced forms of bodywork certification and licensure available, we have a unique philosophy in problem solving tissue dysfunction and it’s subsequent effects on structural integrity. Gait pattern, relative joint angles, and myo-fascial tonality often guide our area of focus for the session. Methods are selected based upon the subjects needs which are frequently assessed through postural and movement analysis.

This work manipulates fascia and connective tissue to create structural changes through both passive and active movement. These changes coincide with improvements in neuromuscular recruitment patterns and improved neurological signaling in localized mechanoreceptors. This results in pain reduction and alleviation, a more stabilized physical structure, a more balanced central nervous system, and optimized performance. As well as being a highly effective technique on its own, this modality assists, supports, complements and enhances the goals of traditional medicine, chiropractic, and osteopathic approaches.

INF bodywork draws from our qualifications and experience in:

  • Structural Integration

  • Rolfing

  • Rossiter

  • Upledger

  • Biodynamic/Osteopathic Craniosacral Therapy

  • Osteopathy

  • Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation

  • Loren Berry Method

  • Feldenkrais Method

  • Anat Beniel Method

  • Functional Movement